Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Black Friday more like.....

bulls shit Friday....I am amazed at the people who actually get up at the crack of dawn and now late on Thankgiving Day {which is sooo not cool} in order to get what some people think is a deal. Really folks how much do you really save?  I mean I would definitely get into with question. If you really take the time to check shit on line you can get the same prices on most of the time...Half the merchandise is marked up in order for them to mark them down for the sales so you think you are getting a deal...and yes I used to work retail so I know this for a fact...sorry but that is the way it is. I don't get the fascination. I call this panic shopping, they hype the sales and make it sound so good all you wanna do is go out there and get whatever they have advertised to the hilt.

Does saving $20.00 on a cell phone/sweater/toy whatever merit the time in line, getting up early and freezing your ass off really worth it? Maybe, maybe not. I mean were I live the cost in gas, the traffic and the HUGE parking $$$ and just the out of control crowds - FrEaKs me the fuck out....I guess I am jaded because I worked for so many years in this industry ...I mean I hated....*despised even  - shaking fist* Christmas for the longest time because of Black Friday. I wanted to punch Santa Clause in the face and ram holly branches up Rudolph ass. If I heard Silent Night I would go into shock and Jingle Bells sent me into a such a panic I would start foaming at the mouth.  Sad but true...I never truly enjoyed the holiday season. I am just now {slowly} beginning to enjoy Christmas...But I do not want to hear about it until after Thanksgiving......Not the day after Halloween...dammit.

I think this is getting a little out of control especially this year..some of these stores are opening Thanksgiving night which means employees do not get to spend time with their families...which is what this holiday is all about ....right????? Spending time with family...not spending time with annoying, rude out of control customers while your still trying to shake off the turkey coma your in. I get that this holiday is important to retailers but at what point is enough enough?  I have heard some of these deal obsessed crazed shoppers are so out of control that people get into fist fights. Can you imagine being an employee trying to make a living and not only having to deal with being over worked and put into a pressure situation by your managers but having to referee crowds of unruly shoppers. Yeah ......that says friggin holidays all the way.....
Damn it........ they are playing that friggin Black Friday Walfart Walmart commercial again...Pfffttt don't even get me started on "that place" which I have deemed the demon seed.....I will save that for a totally different day and post.

Peace out......


Sarah @ Vol Family Life said...

Duuuude! I worked in retail for seven years! Limited Too (girls clothes) and I hated hated hated black friday. It took me a long time to start enjoying Christmas and I still hate going to the mall at any point.

Although last year we did stand in line at Toys R Us to get my hubby a new XBox, we searched and searched for a better deal but this was the best price and it came with a $50 gift card to babies r us we later used towards Evie's car seat. But that is the ONLY time in my life I have ever shopped black Friday. It's more like Football Friday. I do not want to get out of my jammies!!!

Michael Ann said...

SO WITH YOU. This is what is wrong with our culture. I hate how commercial Christmas is. Used to be my favorite time of year and now I dread it. You would think the economy would make everyone take a look at how they celebrate and maybe reevaluate, but NO, it just seems to get worse. Black Friday? Never existed when I was a kid. I think we should all say "no more."

Ronni said...

I used to shop Black Friday, but never the Doorbusters. I loved going to the mall when THAT frenzy was all over, to see the decorations, just to be in the fray.

Granted, I never worked retail (closest I came was grocery stores and Boston Market) and I didn't have to deal with all the stuff those poor workers will have to.

It makes me sick that corporate greed is taking away the one respite that most retail workers would get before the Christmas shopping season madness. I recently read a blog by someone who didn't understand why everyone was "whining" about having to work on Thanksgiving, because servicemen and women, gas station attendants, hotel workers, movie theater workers, etc. work on the holidays.

But the key there is that people who sign up for those jobs? They KNOW that they're going to be working holidays. If you've worked at Target or something for years and had the holiday off, to get it snatched away from you all of a sudden? I can completely understand the outcry.

That photo you posted of Target--both of them--FRIGHTENING as hell. I'd lose my mind if I had to wade through all those people. No freaking way.

joeh said...

I sense a cranky old lady in your distant future!

Cranky Old Man

Mommy Bags said...

@ Ronni I know that when I worked retail we all had to work black Friday but we did not have to come to work until like 6 in the morning the next day. Now these poor employees cannot even enjoy their holiday because they know they have to be at work like at 10:00 the same night. Can you imagine having to sit down at a holiday meal with all your family @ 5 and have to be at work at 10? I guess I just think that these holidays have become so damn commercial it is sickening. I mean if you cannot even get plastered with your good ol uncle Ben on turkey day - what is this world coming

Mommy Bags said...

@ Cranky OH yeah for sure my friend!

Sarah @ Made in USA Challenge said...

Yes, yes, yes! I've been hearing about everyone's mapped out strategies for Black Friday. It's sad really. There are soooo many more important things than making a mockery of consumerism and what the Holidays are really supposed to be about! Occupy the Holidays!! I just wrote about that today! Enjoy your Friday with some sleeping in, left-overs and relaxing!
Sarah @ made in usa challenge

Anonymous said...

I agree! I blogged about it, too .... Occupy Yourself for the holidays! ....

Feeling the love......