What was staring down at me this early am when I woke how it got there I have no damn clue |
Hello my awesome bloggy friends hope everyone had an awesome ass weekend I know I did besides the lack of sleep because GG is on this night owl train - all was pretty dang good. Unfortunately because GG was such a crab ass we had to miss a birthday party on Saturday but the way both me and hubby were feeling with lack of sleep we should have not been operating a motor vehicle. Like I mentioned before our weather has been pretty friggin fantastic but today it it raining. It is so weird how our weather can go from 75 degrees to 52 in a matter of a day. Today it's pretty miserable outside so GG and I will be hanging low and taking care of some house business - I have a huge amount of baking to do this coming Saturday so I need to prep the ingredient list for about 60 cupcakes and 30 of my coco loco pecan bars which are always a huge hit. This same friend also hired me to make the gift bags since she really loved the ones I put together for GG's birthday in January. Hey why not right?....when GG is napping or just hanging out with her toys I can bust these out real quick keeps the creative juices flowing. I also had a chance to organize and clean a bunch of pictures this weekend and I totally lost my shit when I saw these couple of pics of baby GG and my dad. I do not believe how quickly she has grown....Sniff...Waaahhhhhhhh...Wasss up were did my baby go!
Nonno and GG |
That's my girl...... |
As I am sitting here posting away GG is going nutso with the playdoh.....was I the brilliant one who decided to buy this OCD nightmarish colored crack doh. It is crazy the crap gets everywhere. I also have about 15 sticker books - I buys huge white poster boards at the $1.00 store and I lay it on the table and she goes sticker crazy. I also got these really cool 50 cent mini pots and I am having her decorate with stickers....Sonna a bitch I too can be CrAfTy. Hopefully I will not lose it being inside CaSa CrAzY all day. Happy Monday!
1 comment:
Lady...slow down your craft train or you'll have to teach her how to knit and solder jewelry by age 5! :)
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