Last night was the one night were I do not fall asleep early, I do not move from the TV and do not respond to my husband because from 9-10 is True Hotness time. True Blood is finally BACK.... it seemed like forever but it is back.....My husband watches it with me but he is not into it as much as I am because I have always been into reading/watching/fascination with the vampire{NOT the Twilight vampires pfft weenies}. Some peeps are into Casper the friendly ghost I am into vampires to each it's own! The show is well written funny, campy and just plain bad ass....and ok ok it is not to bad on the eyes....... man wise...I mean come on man hubman and I have started playing the how long will it be before one of the male main characters is without a shirt game while watching. I think the wardrobe for the male cast must read something like this:
- White{wet and or dripping with sweat depending on scene} tank top/T shirt/no shirt
- Really really tight jeans or leather pants {double swoon on the leather pants}
- Leather jackets
- Butt ass naked
I can say that these dudes probably have to watch every morsel they eat and must work out like beasts too look this way- Carbs not happening during filming season even my husband agrees that the male cast on this show is just prime meat eye candy TV for the ladies...They definitely know who they are aiming for! I mean one of the cast members Jason Stackhouse spends more time handcuffed and without clothes than any other character I have ever seen on the tube we just call him shirtless Stackhouse in this house. I mean really ladies can you argue with cold hard plain facts look at the lovelies below. And if the below was not outstanding enough they add Christopher Meloni from th/e old Law & Order SUV. Alcide and Eric have been my favorites from the beginning. Alcide because I mean really must I explain. Eric because he's evil {again} or looks like what my image of what a vampire would be if ya know....... they existed....Stupid I know but oh well it's me. I will leave you with some images of the beef cake for your Monday viewing pleasure.
The ultimate |
Oh my - My favorite Alcide |
Chris Meloni |
I love Eric and Jason, such hotties! I'd love for some more eye candy this season but I'm so stoked and excited to see how the season continues!
Oh Alex Skaarsgard can bite me any day!! I loooove Eric ;) He is the hottest vampire ever!!!!!
Ohhhh yeah
In my next life I want to come back as Sookie !!! come on they all want her LOL ! and Eric is my fave hes just so perfectly naughty !!
totally agree on everything!! yummy vamps and wolves!!
I drool for Sam and Alcide!! DELISH EYE CANDY.....
this is one of my favorite shows. I love the books, I love everything!! I guess I'm a Trubie! lol!
Oh man I was so excited for the season to start! I baked red velvet cupcakes to celebrate...mmmm Eric, I mean.. cupcakes. Vampire shows are my fave... but mine include Vampire Diaries and Twilight.. lame but I just can't help myself! lol ;)
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