I am living in the movie Demolition Man......everyday that I am here on this god green earth some of the shit that s in the movie is actually happening - life imitating art/movie or whatever the saying is this shit is actually happening. I have been obsessed with Demolition Man since I first saw the movie in 93. What is their not to love - action, a very young Sandra Bullock/Benjamin Bratt and at best B movie acting from Mr. Sly Stallone/Snipes and the amazing comic sarcasm of Dennis Leary. Why in holy hell am I bringing this up this lovely Tuesday morning? Because as I was getting myself ready to get out of bed and do what I do before I head to the gym on the news came up that in Middleborough Massachusetts the law passed that your happy ass will be fined if you cuss - 20.00 smackaRoos. As soon as I heard that all that comes to me is the scene in DM were Sly Stallone has just heard this and is having fun with the machine that issues the demerits/tickets. WOW we are not far off people. Are we f8ckin serious here or is this make believe? Cops are going to have the time to keep up with this shit? All I know is my ass would be in jail...like all the time. Most of the futuristic stuff we though would never ever see are here. Soon we are all going to wandering around in kimono style drab colors and eating at the fine dining establishment of Taco Hell. God help us.

Little side note and I am not proud and I am sad because I know she got this from me...GG dropped her first F bomb the other day. I know...I know....*head hanging low* she did it because her Ipad was not working and boom she said the f word. I SUCK and I am now really, really trying hard not to cuss anymore. Wish me luck!
By my count if they read this in Mass, you owe $1600!! I am assuming "ass" and "Hell" get the full $20.
At least when your little girl dropped the F-bomb, she used it correctly!
Oh no!! That is kinda funny because she obviously doesn't know the meaning of it, just that you say it when you get frustrated lol
Oopsie, mummy gonna have to change her ways lol
Isn't it a teeny bit cute though haha
Oooh good luck with that! The worst is when my daughter wanders downstairs after we think she's in bed and my husband is telling a work story full of f bombs. Ooops.
I have to admit I am bad too but I rarely say F#@* in front of the kiddos, usually its sh$# and GD. It's so not cool hearing that come out of their mouth. You will be surprised as she gets older what she picks up, it's crazy how much they really are listening to you.
Points to GG for correct usage. If I had an Ipad and it stopped working, that's what I'd be saying!
Wow. I can't live in Mass because I would be on the hourly payment plan...
Hugs and don't worry to much about GG's new word!
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