As described by Wikipedia:
The typical metrosexual is a young man with money to spend, living in or within easy reach of a metropolis — because that’s where all the best shops, clubs, gyms and hairdressers are. He might be officially gay, straight or bisexual, but this is utterly immaterial because he has clearly taken himself as his own love object and pleasure as his sexual preference.
The MS King |
Pfft...Is it just me or are men turning a little to metro sexual? In my personal opinion yes and I blame the Jonas Brothers and Ryan Seacrest for this. Can someone please tell me WTF is going on? When did men start to enjoy shopping as much as women, what are you doing sitting next to me at the nail salon and how the hell do you know what is going on with the Kardi dunks? Aren't you supposed to be home watching some kind of ball sport on TV? Fixing a car or watching Bay Watch re runs? And what is up with that term "metrosexual" I know of many ladies who are proud to toss that word around and label their men "metrosexual" and I know that some of these men do not appreciate it! Hey I can appreciate a man who showers, applies deodorant and takes a little time to pick out an outfit but when you start loufahing yourself in the shower and using about 45 products to do so come on get a grip. It has become an epidemic the mani/padi, the facials, they eye brow waxing and dying and the dreaded fohawk...dude if you going to rock any fawk rock the original not some lame imitation. A man who spends half of their day checking themselves in the mirror makes you look like a jerk. A man who takes longer to get ready than a female is just plain creepy.
I guess what bugs me about this whole movement is that some of these dudes spend all this time on their outward appearance instead of working on their inside. These same guys are the guys that slam a door in an elderly person face instead of doing the proper gentlemen thing and helping with the door. I have seen these "men" all over town with their $600.00 dollar pair of loafers, man bags and guyliner who have the manners of trolls living under the bridge. BTW being in the high tech industry does not give you a pass to be a complete a**hole and douchbag. I mean on some days with the man skinny jeans, v neck t shirts and beanie guys are beginning to look like chicks from behind..I guess it is all personal preference but I guess I am wondering were have all the real men gone?
Real man alert sorry just felt like a little eye candy this morning
Happy friggin hump day!
My hubby is a total man's man. I told him if he ever became metrosexual he'd never get laid again. Period.
This reminds me of the dude I saw getting his eyebrows threaded when I went to have mine done a week ago. I couldn't stop staring. I am sure he thought I was checking him out, but I was just confused. A man shouldn't have nicer eyebrows than me.
I mean is that just not weird dude getting is eyebrows threaded?
I don't recall giving you permission to use my picture.
YOu would be hearing from my lawyer, except I can't find a listing in the book for a Mommy Bags.
Cranky Old Man
But can that guy in that pic unload the dishwasher or take the garbage out?
I don't get it. Women fought for equality, but guys can't get waxed, plucked, shined, or buffed? My only problem is with self-involved people, man or woman. Do I think men should take 45 minutes to get ready? Nope, but I don't think women should either. (This does not count the shaving in the shower because that's just a safety issue! lol). It's right along with chicks who are late all the time but it's cool because they're women. Like, we obviously can't tell time because we're inferior? Okay, sorry, I didn't mean to hijack. Just a few thoughts I had.
It is ironic that the man in the photo you posted clearly shaves or waxes his chest, a practice that is supposedly reserved only for metrosexuals. What I find hypocritical is how women can be up in arms about being able to do anything a man can, but when a guy spends "too much time" on his appearance or does anything outside of the generic "male role" he is chastised. If looking good, being confident, having good taste in food and beverage, and not being a beer-bellied, Lays potato chip-eating half-wit glued to Monday night football makes me a metrosexual, I'm proud of the title. BTW, I ALWAYS open doors for ladies and elderly people.
Dear Antonymous Metro sexual,
First of all thank you for taking the time to comment.
Many women have no problem with the metro but I have personally noticed in the last few years that it has gotten ridiculous. I know men who have their eyebrows shaped and tweezed to the point were the look fake they spend 3 hours 3 hours getting ready. You Mr. Amny might be one of the few men out there left who actually open the door for ladies and seniors because honey I live in an area were you are lucky if the man opens a car door for you anymore it is sad but it is true an
BTW my husband loves fine dining, we travel extensively and have seen the world, he is confident and we have done ballet, opera and plays he takes very good care of himself in the way he dresses and puts himself together he also watches tons of football and sports he is not the beer-bellied, Lays potato chip-eating half-wit glued to Monday. btw2 the dude in the pic is naturally not hairy and you know what dudes say they like girls with natural boobs all the time but when a pair of big ass fake double DD's come by you cannot help but look.
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