Fascinated by the man hole...cover? |
am burning the candles at both ends. We have had an extremely busy social schedule these past few months it has been crazy. I have been running from one thing to another without a rest in between. The last month alone it has been a plethora of foodie events and get together's which I am enjoying since it is getting me back into the swing and know of things in the City and reconnecting with my old friends has been pretty AWESOME. Last night we went to this amazing little restaurant called Sociale.
Kept their attention for 10.2 seconds |
The food I cannot even describe how damn good it was . We were there to celebrate my pops 70th birthday. Since I knew the restaurant was on the cozy side I asked them to seat us outside because we were towing with us a total of 2 toddlers {WTF were we thinking} and a 10 month......I think next time we keep the kiddos home with a sitter we brought them because it was Gpops birthday but never again. The husband and I have learned that semi fine dining is no longer going to happen until LDG reaches the age of 4 and that runs to the local Cheesecake Factory or The Organic Cafe are going to have to do for a bit*excluding babysitter night of course* LDG was not having it last night she was just en el fuego. She was super charged, my dad commented that he had never seen her so friggin out of sync and bitchy. I even checked the sky to see if we had a full moon happening. Could it be that
she was super excited to see her cousins, different environment, later meal hour or that I decided to cold turkey her ass off the "nipple" bottle this weekend....Mmmm maybe let's see...... it also could be that she is 2 and has the attention span of a donkey...quit possibly yep that could be it....Not even the almighty Ipad could save us from the toddler take over. I felt the need to apologize to the other tables around me even though my brother repeatedly informed me that she was not that bad and to stop doing it. I just think sometimes when your the parent you make it seem worse than it actually is. I also remember when I was the no children person at a restaurant and used to freak out when kids were everywhere and were not necessarily on their best behavior. Be careful what you say because it will come back and bite you on the ass.
Ohhh......BTW to those new mothers out there who think this is not going to happen to them and their little bundle of joy is just perfect and we can take little him/her anywhere and they just sleep, coo and smile and we have such a good baby blah blah blah and BLAH.... Well enjoy it while you can because it will not last no matter how much of an angel you think you have now. I was the same way and when my little "angel" turned 2 things just changed. They discover their independence and they discover just how to push your buttons*and I am a hard core disciplinarian* but sometimes you just need to pick your battles. For the many things that we do,go and experience LDG is a pretty damn good seed.
Friday Beach Outing |
Saturday Mani/Pedi Day gave husband time out so he could get some paper work done |
Today is going to be about getting organized with weekly menu's, research for my possibly new business venture, scanning new home listings, researching summer rentals up in Napa which we try and do for a week every year, getting LDG's schedule down and just relaxing. I also need to kick my gym going up a notch because of how busy I have been going to the gym has taken a backseat which I hate because I then begin to feel it in my energy levels and in the shitty food*wine*decisions I make and their have been some super shitty ones made in the last few weeks. Even though I have been walking everyday I need more activity than that. It just needs to happen in order for me to be in sync with myself and my family......
Wusa babies dolls....WUSA
God advise regarding children and fine dining...you might want to make that age limit 6....or 8....or 12....I know 32 works
Cranky Old Man
I never had huge problems with Aidan in a restaurant except ONCE when we dined with another family and the other kid was being bad and Aidan decided to join in. I never took him to a fancy place, though. I always made sure to take him to family places. Cause you know how they like to pop up and say hi to perfect strangers at tables/booths next to us right? Yeah, I made sure to take him places where other patrons knew that was a possibility even though I tried to keep him from doing it. He's still really good at restaurants to this day, but again, I've never taken him anywhere super fancy but I know his dad has.
So true about toddlers and fine dining! They don't mix! We just took my daughter off the nipple bottle on Friday, and she refuses to drink milk from a cup, just throws it across the room. I just caved and gave it back because she was so whiny and she is my little baby so whats the harm. right?
At 11 and 14, we just recently left the realm of who had the best chicken tenders (not nuggets...it wasn't that bad)! Now they actually look at the menu!
Girl, you always crack me up...."attention span of a donkey" lol!!
Your daughter is such a cutie pie!
Having been out to eat with my siblings and their 7 kids all ranging from 1 to 7 years old has taught me a lot!! I've seen it all...screaming, tantrums,crayon drawings on tables, food thrown across the restaurant, spilled drinks, knocked over trays of food <---- this was a disaster! One of my nephews who is 4, and we sometimes refer to as the Texas Tornado or MadMax is probably the equivalent of 10 crazy kids in one!! I love him though. I told the hubs that if this is what I have to look forward to when we have kids, then I don't want to go anywhere until they're like 15! Maybe it's just my family....lol!!
Also congrats to you on your new venture!! Wishing you all the best!!
Have a lovely week!
hahaha -- yeah we do always think situations with the kiddos are way worse than they are.
i felt like my daughter had been abducted by aliens & replaced by some evil pod baby right after she turned two...
good news is that she won't be so crazed forever!!!
i cannot wait to celebrate sky's 3rd bday... lol!
we rarely take our kids with us to eat anywhere these days, unless its a kids place. The 4 year old isn't that bad but the 2 year old is off the hook! last month we had a family get together at a resturant and my MIL said next time we will just order take out and we can all just meet at her house. She said, I didn't realize how much work it is for you guys", I am thinking well DUH!!! We rarely even get a quiet meal at home. I feel ya on this one:)
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