Soon she will be asking me for the car keys fo" reals |
I was gitty with cheer and delight. I never thought it would happen so soon and those few little words would turn me into a big puddle of mush. For some reason I thought it would be another few years. My little one is f*uckin growing up!~ She ran to me yesterday, wrapped her long monkey arms around my neck and whispered "I lobe you mama"! I almost totally lost it in the middle of our local Play Jumpy
Germland. I was blown away I mean she is already not wanting to sit in her booster chair she is now sitting at the table with a regular chair.....DAMN she is growing up so fast.....
Okayyyy so on that early morning mushy note I am ready to get this friggin week going. I am busting out this post this morning before getting LDG ready and out the door to get my cardio on. I am looking forward to sweating my balls of on the elliptical and since I did no drinking on NYE I am feeling ready and charged to go! It was fun having hubby at home for a whole 5 days in a row. It is not very often we get that pleasure. You see hubby has a pretty stressful job and position in a company that he co owns and this particular time is really busy for time for the company so for him to take 2 extra days off right after Xmas break was pretty awesome. So I decided since he was at home to give him a little taste of what I do on a daily basis and I DO mean everything including the grocery shopping with a restless toddler thrilling ride. Once the day was over he was exhausted he looked at me and said ~ "You deal with this shit everyday? Thank you for doing all that you do." It felt really good to hear, it made me feel that what I am doing being a SAHM is not going unnoticed. I defined myself by my career so when I decided to stop working I kind of felt I had lost a little of me. Yesterday I think my hubs finally realized that what I do during the day is no joke. We mamas stay home or working ROCK!
Hubby is getting a headache |
Hell on earth |
That is awesome. It's good to hear when husband recognizes what hard work mom has to go through in general whether we are a SAHM or WAHM. :) It's a tough job but in the end, it's worth it.
Great post! My Hubby travels a lot for work n he's been home the last few weeks and took Buggy to Germland all last week. She now has a double ear infection but he now realizes what my days are like. He would come home and take a nap a few times bcuz he was wiped out. Everyone thinks its easy being a SAHM and you have all the time in the world. Glad daddys are finally realizing our work is just as hard but for no pay.
See? You're FAB Mommy self is plastered all over you... including your new found hamstring... xoxo
It is good for husbands to understand this and acknowledge it. Not only to himself but especially to his wife. She needs to hear it and be appreciated. Your hubby rocks! And so do you!
How awesome when husbands recognize all our hard work. YOur husband sounds amazing! Cute pictures too!
How cool of your husband! And my daughter would LOVE that place.
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