Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Kinda Wordless Wednesday........

I do not know were Dog #2 was trying to go but she was holding on to dear life to the couch arm rest...I have some weirdo but lovable dogs. As you can tell Dog #2 is a ham for the camera you never see Dog #1 because she is older, bitchier and loves to take naps.......Happy Hump Day


Annie@Letters to Mo said...

Your dog makes my dog look like a mouse or something equally tiny. My cat outweighs my dog and Cash outweighed Buster at birth. She's a beautiful dog!

Unknown said...

i am living vicariously through you & your pups -- photos like that make me miss ours soooo much!

what a cutie-patootie (hubby too!)!

Mommy Bags said...

We are happy that she lost some weight only 2 pounds but hey it is a start you know those retrievers they just look at carbs and they blow up

Feeling the love......