- Virgin Air - Clean new planes
- 3 hours tops
- Tropical location only - I am not made for the country
- No lay overs
So let me try and get all this shit out of my brain before it explodes there is allot of shit I have stored from the last couple of weeks. Ta Dah......
- What is up with this total fascination of toilet paper? The Charmin commercials are kinda of getting really detailed about how clean butt holes should be. Mr. Whipple would be shocked......
- OK I get that some bike riders are PITA's however trying to go out of your way to try and hit them and harm them is so twisted and crazy. Some dude actually went out of his way to do this just that and then you know what the stupid f*ck did? He videotaped it and put it on YouTube. Yep some outstanding member of our society at work.
- I know this is old news but one of my lovely friends just told me she had skin lightning in one of her intimate areas - hint it rhymes with mutt.....
- I know that when you get older some folks get a little lazy with the waxing but come one people when you decide to take the razor to your women's facial hair make sure to keep it going. I saw some very scary I mean scary facial hair in North Carolina last week. I am talking full on Tom Selleck mustaches on women.
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Once you start this you can never turn back |
- The chick from blossom + 3 year old still full on breast feeding toddler = me just getting sick sorry but it is time to let go and this is MY opinion. Her and Alicia Silverstone probably hang out together, under a tree churning butter.
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This kid looks like he has allot of teeth |
- Octomom - do I really need to say anything more. I swear to God this woman is a complete nut - now she says she will do a nasty video for money but it is not porn because she will only be messing with herself and not someone else...ahhhh okay it is still a porn video. You will be playing with your wooha on video. Your children will one day see it.
- I find this picture amusing "occupy at this point whatever" protesters drinking their latte's at Starbucks....Mmm is it just me that find this interesting and kind of hypocritical? I bet your ass they are also carrying smart phones in their "super hero" costumes.
- WTF was I thinking once again when I decided to venture in Toy R Us with my toddler..why...why...why
- OK is it wrong that I like when my dogs lick my feet...I know...I know......wrong...wrong...sooo wrong
- I have no idea what these are and I really don't ever want to know. Scoop the Poop was spotted at the North Carolina airport as we were waiting to come home sweet home. It was also in the candy/cookie section chocolate candies shaped like deer poop. Does this not seem strange or does it just seem strange to this city gal?
- Can I ask why this train wreck{I read she texted the whole time she was at the event} was at the White House Correspondence Dinner? And BTW I am still pissed that she was chosen to play Elizabeth Taylor in an upcoming movie about her life. What a shame....Poor Elizabeth......
- People who take up the money and court time to sue over STUPID shit. Get a life or get your brain checked. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/30/henry-wolf-lawsuit_n_1465033.html
Happy Friday!
This week is easy...YES to everything....except maybe the dog-foot thing, still gotta think on that one.
Y'all(NC thing) get well soon!
Breastfeeding a 3 year old??? My boobs hurt just reading that. And I too asked why LiLo was invited to the Whitehouse along with Kim I-don't-give-a-crap- dashian? Really, have we run out of A list celebrities with $$ and now turned to reality TV, jail bird, cocaine snortin' hoochies to walk the same carpet as the Obama's, one time Kennedy's? Classic...
Yep breastfeeding a full grown with teeth toddler
we have much in common. i think all of these things. except ive never seen scoop the poop. what is that garbage? have you seen the pooping reindeer things that come out at christmas and they poop brown jelly beans... really.
This reminds me that we have to do our toilet paper testing with the 2 boxes of tp we were sent? What's up with your friend?! Poop? So much here.... :)
I know that extended breast feeding is super controversial and if you talk about it in front of the wrong person, they will bitch slap you. I personally LOVED breastfeeding Cash, but honestly think BFing a 3 year old is just weird. I know people argue about other countries having it be common but those countries tend to not have proper nutrition or food supply, thus it's more out of necessity. It's just weird to me.
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