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I fee like doing this to people head's during PMS week |
- Sneezy for some odd reason I get the sneezes from hell every month yes I do and I cannot explain why? Can someone give me any thoughts on this one because I am totally at a loss by this phenomenon....
- Sleepy - I cannot get enough sleep during this Sybil period of the month. I could sleep all day for 5 days. However because I run a tight ship and I have a toddler hanging around me most of the day I can't. So I am basically yawning most of the time and is some type of fog that I cannot get away from. WTF!
- Dopey - Add drool to the side of the above illustration and you have me wandering around the city with a dazed look on my face...... All I hear during this time is Duuuhhhhhhh
- Doc - I become my own doctor. Between the PMS pills, homeopathic shit tea and all the other "stuff" I have tried at least once to get rid of the pain just call me Doc. Mommy Bags bitches.
- Happy - Pffft who the hell am I kidding.......Their is no happiness during hell week. OK maybe when I spot some chocolate and Doritos in the same aisle at the supermarket.
- Bashful...Hmmm the only thing I am bashful about during this time is that my ass is so bloated that I cannot fit in most of my skinny jeans. Oh and like when today I went to get a spray tan and had to suck in my stomach for a whole 10 minutes while I was being sprayed tanned away by Ms. America..and her dainty hands. FML
- Grumpy - Oh yes this one is my favorite. This is the time where slashing someone tires is something I could possible do*chill* it's the hormones talking. I am mean I am talking mean to be around during this time. My husband is scared of what will come out of my mouth and what will be tossed across the room. The dogs seem to know this time for they hide in the spare bedroom. I am grumpy to the max and during this time I am looking for a cigarette. Yes I said it I am looking for a cigarette. It's either that or put my fist through someones head. Anxiety at scary level
And as soon as the above personalities quickly take over my body for one week out of the month they disappear as fast and I turn back into this sweet little creature - minus the sappiness, the complete naive nature of this chick and frolicking through the damn forest in a big ugly yellow dress. Peace.
Ex #2 along with BPD (borderline personality disorder) was the tasmanian devil when the moon was full.
I went from "honey bunny, sweety pie" to "You fucking douchebag asshole" at the drop of a hat.
You husband has my sympathy.
The husband is my PMS! He travels a lot for work so when he's home -mostly weekends - it doesn't take long before he annoys the shit out of me.
i have to say i've been very lucky in i never suffered from PMS and so far menopause is going pretty well a few hot flashes an that's it ok going to go hide noCome Say HIw as i probably jinx myself
You and me both sister. I am a crazy mo fo one week a month.
Within the past 6 months I added panic attacks to the mix--they are awesome!!! Just read over at A Diary of a Madwoman about her story...you might want to check it out too?
I hate how the Mr. knows I'm getting my period before I do. He says my PMS turns me into... how do you say... a crazy bitch that scares the shit out of him?
Is it bad that my first thought wasn't "OH, that sucks, I am psycho sally too"? It was actually "I'm not the only one who thinks that dress is ugly and she's a pansy". My sympathies to you and your loved ones once a month. My family says they'd rather have me on steroids than PMSing. Sigh. Good luck.
This post is BRILLIANT. OK the sneezing. Do you get them in the midst of severe cramps, which makes them THAT MUCH MORE painful? Because I do. And that sucks.
Love the dwarfs analogy, though. Awesome.
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