Photo of LDG at Ballet |
accomplished and mama dog is still cleaning up this Cali morning getting dishes, platters and such back into their proper places, so this is going to be a little short and maybe a little sweet. I had LDG's birthday luncheon on Saturday and it was a success. It was only family for lunch and then we invited some of the neighbors for some cake and wine. The food was rich and scrumptious and I will be working out extra hard for the next month because of the gross amount of calories I consumed on Saturday *shaking head*. But you know what it was my babies bday and once in awhile it is fine to indulge I would love to have something fun to eat once in awhile without thinking how bad it is for me I am so over it!
Goody Bags |
Table for LDG's Luncheon

LDG got some awesome gifts and I am now being invaded my Fashionista Barbies YES BARBIES. She got so many of them LDG could start my own fashion house. All in all a great friggin day. Now I am starting to work on her new bedroom I ordered the headboard to her new bed and once that arrives in February and the room gets painted we can start the changeover. This week is going to be super ass busy. Her two year check up appt is tomorrow. I am excited because I "heard" that at this appt we can kind of gauge what height my little one might be in as an adult. My hubby is 6'1 and I am 5'9 so I am hoping for supermodel tall and not freak tall. I also have final preschool tours, ballet, toddler gym, my gym and all the other shit in between. So it is going to be a go go week. A busy toddler is a sleepy toddler. I also need to start my attic clean up and organizing need to have hubby measure for the shelves I will be purchasing once that is done I am tagging a bunch of shit for sale. I will leave you some pics of the party......I did not get a bunch of photos with LDG and her posse because they were all over the dang house screaming up a storm at one point we had ball houses in the living room and and the deck - children everywhere and I did not get see my daughter much. About to get ready to take a hike with the pooches and LDG, pay some bills work on a menu for the week you know fun stuff. Today will be the only day of chill in a very, very hectic week.
Happy Monday!
LDG's Karl Lagerfeld Sketch Cake |
Fancy fete!!!! Can you do MY party favors for my next big birthday!!!???
Loving the party decor! :D Glad it was a good day.
What the HELL, this party looks awesome....what are you the secret "wedding planner" or something? Fantastic!
I ♥ that cake!! What a cute theme!! Oui, Oui!!
you have a great creativity! I would like to share this post
I just love to do this kinda of shit it feeds my old creativity from when I worked in fashion. I do miss it so I really bust out the guns for LDG's parties and my family events.
ooh la la -- i love the theme & the cake is FABULOUS!
glad the luncheon was a hit!
in regards to the height thing -- i heard however tall a child is at age 2 -- double it & that should be their adult height?
that would make skylar 6 feet tall as she was exactly 36" @ her 2 year checkup!
happy monday
Thanks ladies and gen I love to organize and theme up parties. LDG's room will be couture them so I ran with it at the bday party too. Glad you liked
Girl, you are one talented mo-fo! Fantastic job!
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