Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So far today has...

GG crashed out  for a few minutes before her appt.

gone a little like this -

1:45 am shuffle shuffle stumble little groan and sniffle ~ get up check on GG she is awake thought it was bad dream looks like she was sleep walking & shuffled her back into bed, head hits pillow she falls asleep

2:45 am huge thud as sippy cup makes contact with hard wood floor ~ scares the shit out of me but still in a drooling sleepy daze... mumble to my husband that it is his turn. Husband shuffles GG back to bed

3:15 am music box starts playing which means someone is up and trying to move shit around in her half dazed sleep ~ get up trip over dogs,  cuss out dogs and say I am over it about 100 times while shuffling my tired ass to GG's room, again place her back into her bed. I get back to my bedroom and dog number 2 decided to keep my spot warm I then cuss out dog again while shoving her off the bed

3:45 shuffle...shuffle...sniff...sniff...Mooooommmy...Mommy....hurt...hurt...she is coming towards me holding onto her stuffed evil pink monkey animal at this point I am f*ckin over it and I take her place in her our bed {a huge no no} but at this point I don't give a damn

3:47 to 4:30 sleep with GG on top of me {and dog number 1 paw in crotch} which means no sleep for me

4:30 until present time I have been up with screaming  drooling, crying and snotty toddler.  We seem to have an ear infection. GG has never had one of those before. She keeps pointing to her left ear and saying - hurt....To top it all off she is super exhausted she is a sleeper so this not getting any is making her crazy.

Called pediatrician and they got me in at 10:45 they tried for 1:45 no dice was not going to happen I was not going to sit here and watch my litle one squirm in pain until 1:45 besides  I am so tired I would have fallen asleep and missed the damn appt. Got to her appt in time they stuck the ear "thingy"  in her ear and Dr. is like...Whoa this one is a doozy...she has an ear infection and a bad one. 10 count em"10 full days of antibiotics with ibuprofen chaser.

I have just gotten home and I am exhausted. Her antibiotics were not ready so my husband will be picking the prescription on his way home. Just gave GG some pain reliever hopefully she will settle down for a nap cuz mommy needs one to.  I see Chinese food delivery on the dinner menu tonight....I just can't tonight......


Sarah @ Vol Family Life said...

Ibuprofen does wonders for E and we all know she's an ear infection magnet! Enjoy your chinese and I hope your sweet GG gets to feeling better!!!

Unknown said...

Poor little baby. Ear infections hurt ME and I'm 37 years old. Must be torture for your poor little one. Hope the pain goes away soon.

Andrea said...

Ouch, poor little pumpkin! Hope it's sleepy time for all tonight!

Unknown said... had a rough night! Sorry about little Miss GG's ear:( We have only had one ear infection between the boys and I know its no fun. Hopefully the antibotics kick in and you guys can get some sleep and she starts feeling better.

CaffeinatedOCMommy said...

Awww... feel better soon and hopefully get a good night's sleep... xoxo

Not Winning Mom of the Year said...

After reading this, I wasn't sure if that was a picture of you or her passed out. Hang in there....

Feeling the love......