Thursday, June 14, 2012

Yo we are classy.....

ova here. As most of you know by reading this shit blog is that I am totally fascinated with the people that allow themselves to be filmed 24/7 for the twisted world of reality TV. Some of the shows have become quite hysterical. I have now taken my husband hostage on this total sick ride that is called my addiction to the reality TV.  He sometimes cannot believe some of the stuff that gets said. I mean you know your being filmed so can we at least try and control ourselves or think before we speak? Our favorite so far has been the countless times some of these folks on RTV need to state that they are

  • classy
  • we're classy ova here 
  • like to keep it classy 
  • I am too classy for ______
  • I have to much you guessed it class
Now usually the peeps who are stating how classy they are...ain't...These are the first ones to be rolling around the floor getting their beat on as soon as the cameras start to roll. I especially LOVE the gals who state
"You know we like to keep it classy here." and in the next breath they drop about 30 f bombs and call everyone in their family big SOB's. Yeah real classy. I mean I understand the f bomb thing I am notorious f bomb dropper but I however never claimed to be classy.  I was a big fan of the original Mob Wives - I however checked out MW Chicago and holy shit people the dude who worked the beep machine must have been exhausted after that first episode. I mean it was like this 
"beeep....beeep...beeep....beeep....rat....mother effer....beeep beeep. I mean the whole episode..... I had to get up and change the channel....It was too much for me......for was too much!
Repeat offenders of how many times these two chicks and their crew say how classy they are is ridic. I mean after the first season and the whole christening throw down everyone in this group still think they are still classy.....

Why do people feel the need to tell people they are classy???? Isn't classy not too tell people you are classy? Just a thought. 


joeh said...

Hey don't pick on my Girl Friend Melissa!

Did you hear Teresa refer to someone as a regular Heckle and Jyde?

Michael Ann said...

I don't know HOW you can stand to watch those people!!

Sarah @ Vol Family Life said...

If you have to TELL people you are classy, you aren't. Class can't be bought, or worn it just IS.

CaffeinatedOCMommy said...

Okay Darling, there's a new show that I started to watch that you won't find the word "classy" and it's still a RTS... Duck Dynasty! OMgawd, these fellas make me laugh and they don't care if my lipstick is on or not... xoxo

Not Winning Mom of the Year said...

If you have to announce it, then you aren't! But secretly I enjoy watching this non sense, and they're so called "classy".

Feeling the love......