it is really nobodies business but your own. Sorry gals..I am being quite harsh this morning but their are some subject that just tick me off. I recently had a good friend have a baby and she was telling me that she is having a hard time with the whole breastfeeding process and was thinking to switching over to formula but she was getting "bullied" {and yes I consider it a form of bullying} when people in general make you feel like total shit when you decide to stop breast feeding and switch over to formula. This is a
personal decision that is made by the mommy..... yes the mommy. You know the one who has had to have her body hijacked by an alien/vampire for 9 months in some cases 10. The mommy is the one who has tossed her cookies for the last 6 plus months, the hormones changes alone have sent her to mars and back. Who has to give up all things good - wine, sushi, did I mention wine and cute shoes....You know mommy.
This is not the decision of the mailman, the snobby mommy's who turn up their noses at formula, the lady behind you at the market and anyone who decides to give their 2 cents about breast feeding -
that means you Ms.Giselle Bunchen we know that your pregnancy was sooo easy and you did karate until your bundle dropped and you lost the baby weight with magical charms from fairies that live in your backyard....yada yada yada.
Shhhhhh..... just stand there and look pretty when dumb shit like the below comes out of your mouth.
In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar UK — which hits newsstands today —
Gisele gushes about her superior parenting skills since giving birth to
son Benjamin, now 7 months old. The 30-year-old Gisele preaches: “Some
people here think they don’t have to breastfeed, and I think, ‘Are you
going to give chemical food to your child, when they are so little?’
There should be a worldwide law, in my opinion, that mothers should
breastfeed their babies for six months.”
Why does this bug me so much because I was treated like criminal at the hospital and made to feel like a horrible mother because I decided to stop breast feeding after 3 months. LDG came into the world one months early, I had to have an emergency c section and when she came out of mama she was not in the best shape...literally she was like play doh...she had gotten stuck in a awkward position when turning so she was pretty messed up. After going through all of that fun milk was not coming in as it was supposed to, so that was a pain in the ass all in itself. I had to be molested on a daily basis by the breast pump/nurses so the milk would come in...To this day I cannot look at a breast pump without wanting to kick the shit out of it. Also LDG just was not latching on properly so I had to feed her with a little hose that was connected to the was a mess. Where was that oh so special bonding moment were they handed you the baby she magically latched on and you were off on this cloud of goofiness. I had heard about this moment from other mommy's, was it all BS and was it all a lie??? Because honey I was not feeling it. I did not look forward to feeding my baby and I felt like the worst mother in the world. So what do we do to make mommy feel super awesome *thumbs up sign* the hospital sends the lactation nurse from hell to my house{who in another life probably ran a woman's prison}to make us feel even shittier than we did before. Oh joy!
After many tears, frustrating nights/day with my buddy Pumpy the breast pump, and many fbombs* later hubby and I decided that is was time to go the formula route and we have never looked back. My LDG was on Similac formula from 3 to 12 months and she super bright, healthy and my little speed demon.
This is my opinion and I do not have what is better facts and numbers of boob juice vs man made juice.
I just wanted to vent and too let new mommy's out there that they should not be made to feel like bad moms because they decide breastfeeding is not for them. Every one's body/self is different that is what makes the world such a beautiful place. Do you and do what makes you feel good!
Amen! Gotta agree with you, it's a personal decision and nobody's business but your own!
Right on. It's amazing how people think they can say anything to you when it is about raising a child-as though that isn't the most personal experience of all. Being a parent is hard enough without all the judgment from glamazon supermodels.
Great post! I have not had the opportunity to make this decision, but if I am blessed to have a child, people better keep their traps shut on whatever feeding method I choose.
Thanks you ladies :0)
I think if you can do it, you should. That being said, I've had breastfeeding issues from the start (I have PCOS) with both of mine and we've had to supplement with formula or they would starve. I don't think it has hurt either one of them, nor do I think it's a terrible, awful thing for mothers to feed their children. People who liken it to poison are automatically assholes in my mind. The thing is though, breast milk is better for them. There are benefits that you just can't get from formula which is why, despite all the issues and pumping and craziness, I continue to at least try.
If you have no prolems with BF and it all works out for you you should do it however if you have tried and you are having problems with BF you should not be made to feel like your not a good mom. That is just not cool. I would never go up to a new mom and preach what she should do with her body. I tried everything when I was breastfeading...everything but it was not working out so I had to go the formula route.
returning the follow! BTW, I am an adoptive mommy. My babies are on probs at all.
I just returned to your blog and was finally able to add you via GFC. I would love to add you to my blog followers too!
I totally agree with everything you said... it's nobody's business but your own! (You make me laugh. I can't wait to read more!)
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That's crazy! This is a form of bullying and it goes on more than we even know. My friend just had a baby and I know she got a lot of pressure to breast-feed even though she was having a tough time. Women need to stick together and build each other up instead of tearing one another down.
Great post!! Can't stand those snobby mommies who rake you over the coals if you don't breastfeed. As long as the mother & baby are happy and healthy.. it's all good. I can't imagine why some people act like they care so much how someone else's baby is fed.
I have to say that I love this post (and you for posting it)! I too was bullied when I switched my daughter from breast to formula by the public health nurses, the ones who are supposed to help you transition into mommy-hood. As well I have just switched my newborn over to formula and get looks at the store when buying formula. It's a personal decision for sure! So thanks for posting this and I wish everyone would read this and understand that while it maybe fantastic for some not everyone has that amazing bonding experience!
Now following you as well! Can't wait to read more!
Thank you Emilee I am so glad you like the post. As women we need to support each other not tear each other down!
To all those moms that have all the answers, check back in about 25 years, that is how long it takes to determin how great your parenting skills are.
Cranky Old Man
Oh hell! I totally agree with you! I b'fed my 1st son for 2 months, 2 sons got formula and was able to breastfeed my 1 year old, that's my choice and only mine. No one should be bullied or made to feel bad about their decisions! I absolutely hate it when others look down on mommas for formula feeding!!!! Love your blog by the way!
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