Monday, September 26, 2011

Dude were did the.......

music go. I am really getting bummed out folks. This weekend while I did have one day of some fun with the wine bottle I did have some time to reminisce about what has happened to music in the last few years. I mean seriously I don't feel like I am completely out of the mix but I feel we do not have real live musicians anymore I feel we have synthesizers and producers to make so so singers sound amazing. I mean I am a child of the 80's music so we had our share of one hit wonders but we had a rush of some amazing new bands  - Metallica, Guns n Roses, Motley Crue, Aerosmith into the nineties w/ Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Pearl Jam the list goes on and on. This weekend a group of "old timers" were sitting around reminiscing about how awesome it was going to concerts, the pre parties in the parking lots of the stadiums just some really good times -  while we were skipping down memory lane, our next door neighbor friends said something typical of an 18 year old...Ahh you guys ...that is just old stuff blah blah blah. I asked the 18 yr old what new music has come out lately that had made a difference to him and his generation if he had been to any concerts lately - and 1. he could not name one band & 2 @ 18 had never been to one concert.
To me that is sad. Unless things change this generation will never know real music. They have one hit wonder on itunes like tardy for the party and that annoying 15 year old with that Friday song.  Justin Bieber (ewwwww).   Lady Gaga I can deal with but even with her everything has been done before - Grace Jones perfected her so called "new look" years ago.
Everything just sounds so generic and over processed. Am I being to sensitive or it there some truth to what I am saying?


Theresa said...

Hi there!!! i loved this post and your blog! i look forward On becoming new friends!
You are absolutely right about music its gone to shit these days, im a 90s and alt rock gal. but these new artist having me goin wtf really? thanks for the comment and follow!!!! hope your week is off to a good start!!


joeh said...

U R spot on! But every generation has been saying the same thing for 60+ years. Still I say u R spot on!

Cranky Old Man

Jenny Georgio-who said...

Real music died when MTV stopped playing music. I'm serious. I remember when we'd sit around the tv waiting for MTV to premiere a new video and we loved to party out with all the music.

Everytime I hear a Lady Gaga song I want to put my head through a shredder.

Michelle said...

I'm with Jenny - MTV used to be about music, and bands would spen millions on putting out a spectacular video.

As far as concerts, I wasn't allowed to go to concerts until I was eighteen. But when I hit 18 I went to everything from Bruce Hornsby to The Cult, Warrant. I even got a signed dollar bill from Kip Winger which I cherished.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm now following.

Not Winning Mom of the Year said...

Not at all, the music these days can be summed up in two words. William Hung. If he can make "music", than anyone can. That's all I have to say about that.

Unknown said...

I used to LOVE pop music. LOVE it. Now, most of it makes me lose my head. I don't know if the music sucks or if I'm just getting *gulp* old.

D - JustMomsBlog said...

I really don't keep up with music much anymore and have tended to lean more towards country songs which seem to be less processed. I do chaulk it up to "getting old" because my mother used to complain about the same things in the 80's when music was life.
Anyway, thanks for following my blog and your comment - No, I won't be ready for my kids to date...very scary.
Take care, D from Just Mom's Blog

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