People. OK I know as a a society we have definitely relaxed the way we dress and how we feel about clothing. Shit I live in California the land of the lazy casual dresser and the god awful khaki and golf shirt uniform of hell...... thanks .commers. Some of the old school golf shirt and khaki wearing people have given way to the geek chic if you call geek chic a pair of overpriced skinny jeans that make guys look like chicks on a bad PMS day, some type of stupid ugly f*ck you hoody and fake I don't give a shit eye wear then we have not gotten to far from the original non original uniform of the hey day. Hell yes - I am in work out pants 80 percent of the time but shit that is because I am f*ckin working out and not going to work. I am also a little bit more causal but still tight with my attire since I am chasing a toddler everyday, but when I was in the work field it was all about looking sharp for yourself and the client. I know this is just a rant but I swear it's getting somewhere. With the over causal work force attire I have noticed another freaking phenomenon that drives me absolutely bananas and the epidemic seems to be spreading - can someone please let me know why people are leaving the house looking like this.......
I see this everyday and it boggles my mind. WHY????? Are you that lazy and unmotivated that you feel the need to leave your house with ugly stained pajama pants with hideous prints. Yes - I own pajama pants - I would however NEVER leave the house and run errands in them. PJ pants are for the house not to be parading all over town in no matter how damn comfy they are. To me that is the biggest sign of laziness period!
WTF is going on below could anyone tell her she looked like total shit and to get her ass back into the house before she scared small children? When did some people becomes so lazy? I have traveled throughout the world and I have never ever seen such sloppy dress as some people do in this great country of ours. In Europe no one would ever dare to leave the house looking like the below young "lady". They would probably put her in jail and throw away the key in Paris for extreme bad taste. There is never a truly unattractive woman just a lazy one. I do not know who said that but is something that has always stuck with me.
I mean really? GG preschool is having a pajama day soon and I am already in a tizzy because my child has NEVER left the house in PJ's and I mean never. Is it just me or am I just being super weird?
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Thank you! WTF is up with school pajama days?
Where is the ACLU for kids that can't afford pajamas?
No religious medals, but OK Dr. Dentons!
I am a SAHM and am, in fact, wearing pajamas at this very moment. However, this is a fluke,,. It's a rainy dreary day and I was cleaning bathrooms so I thought, why not? And when I go grocery shopping in 20 min? I'll be wearing real clothes.
We recently joined a play group... And while Mini loves it, my first impression that has sadly left a terrible taste in my mouth: not one of the 5 other mom's there was wearing clothes. In my jeans and tee, I felt crazy overdressed. One ldy was wearing a knee length Pooh Bear shirt with matching printed bottoms. And this Was not her house. It's been a while since I was in the workforce but man... This whole 'trend' gets right to me.
Maybe I am getting too old for fashion, but can you explain the random display of bra straps? Didn't we used to actually try to conceal them? Is the problem just that my ill fitting bra has straps that are too wide to seem jazzy and fun (or that my ever sagging body already had me lost)
call me old fashioned, but I don't even wear my pj's when I come downstairs and have breakfast.My dad was always one to make sure you're dressed and ready for the day before coming down. So, I now hold my kids to this rule, though the husband finds it strange.
I would never leave the house in pajama pants, sweat pants and gym clothes are totally different. And No my kids have never left the house in their PJ's either. I am always in athletic type of clothes at home and yes I go to the store in them but not freaking PJ's.
I don't think that my kiddo or I have to be dolled up for the day, but barring emergency room visits, bras, underwear, and actual clothes are required. Every once in a while we will have an at home "pajama day". At home. In our house. If nobody is coming over. And the curtains are drawn.
I'd like to set fire to the pajama panted people in the world.
I like to tell people that I stopped shopping at Wal-mart because their business practices are repugnant, they put small businesses out of business, and are a plague on society; but really it is because I can't stand the way many shoppers there dress. ;)
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