Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Why do we as mothers place SO much damn pressure on ourselves to the point where sometimes we make ourselves sick?  Sometimes the guilt trip we put ourselves through is enough to make us go through an anxiety tunnel that we cannot get ourselves back from. We judge what each other do and we are always trying to one up ourselves....for WHAT! I am so sick of trying to keep up with this is so damn exhausting. She must speak in full sentences by this time, she must walk by this time, this class that class this preschool NO that preschool is better. Why is it better because your paying more? I am so sick of it. That is one of the main reasons that I do not belong to a "regular" play group because it can drive you friggin insane just to keep up with the dumb one ups that some of these moms do to each other. No boring ass play groups were moms only can talk about what their kids have accomplished one thing that women always said that they would neeeever do once they had kids.  I don't want to be around moms like anymore I really don't, I now have zero patience for women like this.

If I had listened to all the BS that was spewed at some of these "playgroups" based on what some mothers said my daughter would be a mess since I did not breast feed until grade school, would be an illiterate dork because I did not spend my whole day reading to her to every second of everyday instead of watching a Pixar video and catching a few episodes of the Real Housewives once and awhile....I look at my daughter and I am doing this parenting thing MY WAY......No books, no 8 hour long how to videos, no outside play group influence, disciplined my way and no BS. And you know what gang so far it is working.  She says please, thank you, may I and she pretty much behaves most of the time. She helps me with chores goes to bed when I tell her and so far has not been too sassy. Yes..... she has little asshole days but all kids have those and anyone who says to you  their kid is perfect 100 percent of the time is LYING to you because they need to prove something or just want to make you feel like a shitty mother. I run into these types of moms everyday single day. They make being a mother hard work and exhausting and are not worth my time anymore. I feel as women we should support each other in everything that we do I however sometimes feel that some women just like to tear each other down because it makes them feel better about themselves. Now I know why I always got along allot better with guys.


joeh said...

You know your child, these women do not. You know her from early gestation, they do not. If your daughter responded to constant reading, i'll bet you would read to her constantly. I am going to write a book about raising it is:
Chapter 1
Every child is different
Every parent is different
Every child needs different parenting.
You know better than any book or any know-it-all so just figure it out yourself.
Chapter 2
Reread chapter 1

Unknown said...

Amen sister!! Im a big fan of NO JUDGEMENT !!! I only breastfed for 5 months and we sure do watch TV!! Well-said my friend!!!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

oh i cannot stand that crap either!!! In fact one of my very good friends would always tell me I should have Cameron's hearing checked because he wasn't talking clearly at 2 years old. It made me so flipping mad! Every child is different! And you know what he learned his ABCs and 123s from TV... And I am not ashamed to admit this. He would not sit down with us and do any of that repeating and pronouncing, Easton is the same way now. Oh and Dont get me started on the breastfeeding!!! Okay enough of my rambling:) have a great weekend!!!!

Angela said...

You're more of a mother than these women will ever be. You are teaching little Miss how to LIVE. You are teaching her balance between learning, playing, and responsibility. These other kids lose their shit when given an inch because they're so restricted. Know that you don't HAVE to do anything and keeping up with others is a waste of time. My son,I never read to him. He hated it. Elmo taught him his ABC's, 123, and how to write!! He had no pre school either. He's in the 4th grade now. Top reader in his class. He's ahead of where he should be in math, and scored 'advanced' in his California standards testing. pre school either. She started Kindergarten last week and is almost at 1 first grade level. I did nothing special with her. We sang ABC, 123, and counted fingers and toes. BAM...I created a genius lol. 'Those' women would think I was trash because my kids weren't formally educated starting at birth. Screw them. Your girl has seen more and done more than kids three times her age. You can't buy that kind of education. Don't change a thing. You're doing everything right. Love you, Girl!

ana said...

I had wanted to join a play group... But then remembered I don't usually get along with crazed competitive judgemental chicks and steered clear

Feeling the love......