Keeping up the tradition 2012 |
Lane and boy did I get thrown down it this Sunday and boy did I begin to feel not young anymore....I am getting to this post a little later than I hoped but as you all know summer is just crazy busy months for everyone including this gal in NoCali. I had a fabu weekend as usual and this extra special because I got to hang out with one of my old super awesome family friend from the "hood". This chica and I have been friends since we were in kindergarten which is a long ass time. We got into allot of trouble, had allot of fun and their were some days we did not know if we could make it through some very hard times. You know the friend that you don't talk to everyday but you can talk to her in like 2 months and all is good. She is the friend that you know if you picked up the phone and said man I really need you right now she would be there in a heart beat. She is the friend who is up front, not fake and what you see is what you get their is no bullshit facades. We don't see each other often enough because sometimes life gets in the way but when we do it is always a good time and do miss her when we are not around each other. The whole fam was invited over for lunch on Sunday and it was a blast. I knew we were up for some fun reminiscing when I walked in and right from the start she tells me she cannot wait to show me what she found at her moms house when they were cleaning up the garage....with a sly smile.
Yep those are our old school fashion plates sketches we even had prices and style numbers y'all circa 1982 |
Of course being the good Italian she is she laid out some awesome grub and we got down to just some good old fashion catching up and it was great. During some point of the afternoon out come some things that shot me right back to our childhood. I recognized the paper right away because it was paper my dad brought back from his office for use to use because it was going to be dumped in the garbage{see even back then my pops was all about recycling}. As soon as I saw the sheets it all came back to me....The pictures will show you for how many years I have been into fashion/design and has children how we used our creativity and imagination. It is no suprise I went into fashion as a career and my friend is a high end creative hair genius. We were 10 & 12 when these sketches were done. Their were no computer games, no Ipad, Iphone and the 800 other electronic bullshit we have today. We had to use our imagination, say that with me now IMAGINATION. We had to make shit up, we played for hours with some colored pencils and yes paper. After we designed our merchandise we actually set up the boutiques with merchandise that looked like our designs. I remember we used to tear up her closet and display all her clothes throughout her bedroom and played for hours on end. I mean do kids do that anymore? Do kids play...I know some do but do they do it like we used to do it?
Pretty impressive for 10 and 12 |
Check out all the sizes we represented not just size 00 and 2 it was also the 80's and bodies were more real than they are today |
When I looked this over I got a lump in my throat because these were those carefree days we used to just grab life by the balls and go. We had no fear, we had no concept of time, we hung out we were social face to face when we were all together it was like the best time ever. It is sad but I don't notice much of this in some of today's kids. I have encountered children who do not know what to do when they are around other kids because they do not know how to play because helicopter moms are to scared they might fall and hurt themselves but isn't that what being a kid is all about? They might know how to play on the Wii but they do not know how to play with each other. I have encountered teenagers who do not know how to talk to each other except through text. After seeing this the first thing I did was get on Amazon and locate something similar to Fashion Plates, I know I could download an app on the Ipad but I want her to experience the joy I had when I played with old school Fashion Plates. I also had to share this little note we she found in the box of treasures. These were actual paper notes we passed in class when we were "tweens" no texting back then. Check out the to & from lines....Yep we were that young......It was the 80's after all.

That's so awesome that you got to hang out with an old friend like that. The older I get the more that I realize a lot of my "girls" that I thought I'd be close with forever have drifted away. It's so cool when you can keep a few of those special people that you will always have a strong bond with. AND agreed, kids suck today, get of the damn electronic bullshit games!! Kids these days know how to use every app on an iphone but have no clue how to play house. Love this post!
Crazy Mama Drama
that is so cool you still have a friend from kindergarten. totally love your sketches, pretty good for just kids. i used to play school with my brother and his friends, heck sometimes i would play by myself and have invisible students:) i also usedd to make up little dance routines with the neighborhood girls and we would put on little shows in the front yard....oh the good old days.
That's great !!!! It's so true about back then you weren't so sucked into this cyber world !! I love going through old stuff too my parents SAVE everything I can't wait to show Antonio . Me and hubby swear we are limiting his indoor comp and video game time for more outdoor and creative time . Not to mention he's gonna be the next Derek jeter lmao I wish !
I love that I have a friends that I ave known since we were tots. It's hard in today's world to find original and true friends. I have learned that you can count real true good friends on two hands the rest are just fillers that come in and out of of your life.
How lovely that you were able to get together with your childhood friend. And I love the sketches. I agree, very good for that age!! We used to play library and set up our room with books and borrow them from each other, complete with the little cards. Played lots of Barbies, but we were outside mostly, down by the creek catching polywogs and riding our bikes. I grew up in the 70's which was just an idyllic time.
I used to love designing dresses and drawing pictures of wedding dresses and faces with makeup on them. We're talking the 80's so you can just imagine that makeup right?
Wow what a fun trip down memory lane, it is always awesome to have that friend who is a connection to your past...someone who just gets it and gets you xo
LOVE it! We used to play with fashion plates too and write notes. It amazes me that the high school girls these days just Facebook instead of writing notes.
Wow, these sketches are amazing! Who knew? It's nice to keep things like that and share with your friend.
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