Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Have we have become.....

a society scared of disciplining our children? I ask that very question today because I saw something in a store that kind of disturbed me. Yesterday as I was getting my grocery shop on I saw a 5 year old little boy reach out and slap his mom dead center in the face. Now this was not I am excited mom and your little one might make contact with your face because they are jumping up and down on your lap. This was a full on back slap right in the ol' kisser. Mom did not seem shocked in the least which makes me believe that this was not the first time little Timmy has made contact with moms face. Judging by the look on his face{no remorse} little Timmy did not give a shit{he stuck his tongue out at his mom after the slap}. A few people were staring and I felt bad for the mom because I have been there. My little one has never hauled off and slapped me but I have had to leave a couple of restaurants cuz I could see a major melt down coming our way.  I would rather make a quick exit than have to sit there and explain why I discipline MY child the way I do. I really do not feel like dealing with the judgement because with my lovely patience level things would come out of my mouth that would be not so nice. I do not need tisk tisk from from people around me. BTW these are usually the same people who bitch you and your kids out when they are not behaving just so in public. 

It was nothing really scary but it was enough to make me wonder -  have so many people stuck their big noses in how we raise our children that we can no longer properly discipline our little ones in turn making them the little monsters that we sometimes see running a muck in our local malls? I see no more respect for parents at all. Some of these kids are completely out of control. I have seen mothers slapped,  bitched/cussed out and just plain being disrespected. I grew up Italian style and shit like that just did not fly in our house. I remember that when we went out to dinner we behaved and if we chose not to behave after receiving the raised eye brow warning from my dad when we got home their was hell to pay.  Because we respected. Some people like to state that we feared our parents.....and yes we did but we also respected the shit out of them. I see none of that today. Today too many parents want to be "best friends" to their children afraid of not looking cool they give int to whatever the kids want. No boundaries are being set. With no boundaries comes bratiness. 

Time out sometimes works but most of the time when your dealing with an out of control toddler it does not and I don't give a shit how many experts say this is the way to go. Dr. Sears can suck it! Dr. Sears is not in the mommies shoes during a tantrum and Sr. Sears is not there when mommy needs establish some control. Sometime Timmy needs a spanking in the butt in order to get the point across.  I believe in light spanking if all else fails and I am NOT a bad mom.

Am I the only one out there that feels sometimes your dammed if you do and your dammed if you don't? 


Anonymous said...

I've watched enough SuperNanny episodes to believe that parents have, in fact, become afraid or clueless (or both) as to how to deal with and discipline their own kids. Sad that this mom had no idea how to respond to little Johnny after he slapped her. I feel bad for her and even worse for him b/c he will have no boundaries later on.

Mommy Bags said...

It was so horrible felt so bad for the mom it was just not cool and she looked so scared of her own kid. If she is that way when he is 5 can you imagine when little Timmy is 14....

Sarah @ Vol Family Life said...

I 100% agree with you! Parents are too concerned with being BFFs with their children AND not being judged by others that they forget to actually parent their children. You said it best, damned if you do, damned if you don't. Which is why I don't give two figs about what people think of how we parent.

Andrea said...

You hit the nail on the head there...if you are afraid of your 5 year old...15 is going to be a real fright!

joeh said...

You should never hit a child as punishment, but sometimes you need to get their attention....don't know how to spell it, but Capish?

Not Winning Mom of the Year said...

It's a funny thing, the people that say our discipline is too harsh is the grandparents. They are always telling us, "oh he's only 3", but like would they have put up with this shot behaviour from us? I try to discipline the same everytime regardless of where we are, but I agree it's so hard to not feel the eyes lasered on the back of your neck judging me. Screwed either way.

ana said...

People will judge no matter what... Bottom line is that people should be more concerned of raising a bratty kid that grows up into a horrible adult than what other people think.

Feeling the love......