Sunday, February 3, 2013

Where have all the real men.....

gone? That is what my brain was humming the other day when I asked myself what the f*ck happened to all the men? Now as a general rule I do not like to lump all men in one blob but as of late I have noticed that this new crop of young "men" that are being sprouted have the manners of shit and have become such annoying little assholes. They are little turds with no respect for pregnant,  elderly and women in general. Most of the time I would like to take their white ear piece headphones and shove them and their Iphones up their Justin Bieber skinny jean wearing asses. It is an epidemic bad manners in general but I have notice this especially in the men. I mean 2 weeks ago I was bringing my little one to the pediatrician the asshole saw me heading to the elevator toddler in tow.  I got to the elevator and I had to physically keep the doors open with my back in order to get my child on board ..and little little boy BITCH in the elevator with his I am to cool for school pretend reading glasses did nothing. I swear to God the look I gave him made my thoughts come through loud and clear and let me tell you if I could have said something I would have...but I had to remind myself that I was in the presence of a toddler or I would have verbally bitch slapped the little maggot.

Now I don't know how things are in the rest of the US but I can tell you here in California the chivalry has gone out the window. They just did a test here in San Francisco I believe in April (and our asses should be flat out ashamed) where a reporter brought her very pregnant sister on crowded muni buses to see how many men would give up their seats and let's just say the results were awful and I do mean embarrassingly AWFUL...let's just say she did not find many....So sad!  What has happened to guys? Can someone please enlighten me.  I mean what the F*ck is going on? Are parents not teaching their kids manners or are they and they are just not sticking. I am sick of this shit it is embarrassing I swear guys I am going to end up bashing one of these little f*ckers in the face...I know that sounds harsh but you do not see what I see everyday and it is getting worse everyday. I remember clearly being at DMV at the end of my 8th month and miserable I was so swollen I looked like a zit ready to burst. During the whole hour that I was there and standing not one MOFO male or female for that matter was kind enough to give me their seats.  When did the young men of today lose their ability top open car doors for a woman no matter what age? How about a please and a thank you instead of a grunt, pull out a chair,  help her off her coat.  Where has all the respect gone.....and are we able to ever get it back? What kind of f*cked up society are we going to be in 10 years.....


joeh said...

I agree with your rant, and hope I am not one of those dudes, but I can tell you that when you do hold a door open or give up a seat and catch additude from someone that thinks you are "sexist" for not treating her as an equal, and when you hear young ladies loudly throwing out the MF curse and worse, and when a breastfeeding mom asks, "WHat the frig are you looking at" when you are just looking for an exit in the mall, and you get beaten over the head with equal, equal, equal talk, some men forget that women are special and should be treated special.

Unknown said...

ughhh -- i agree 100%!
i was in starbucks not that long ago and a woman came to the door with a double stroller with two small babies in it and was appalled that i had to leave the line to help her in because not one self-absorbed, soy latte drinking *hipster* batted an eye let alone lifted a finger to help her.
common courtesy barely exists anymore and it's saddening...

Kerry said...

I agree, a lot of the younger generation of boys are becoming that way, but I would like to think that most 'men' still have good manners. Most, not all. But definately the younger generation are lacking, I guess they aren't being taught and with the whole 'equal rights' thing, they refuse to treat us women with the respect reminiscent of yesteryear :(

Sarah @ Vol Family Life said...

I definitely think you are right and I definitely think it is a parenting problem.

I also do think it is regional as well. There's a reason we still say sir and ma'am down here, it's because it is polite. Now I am not saying all Southerners are super polite, but I can tell you whenever I travel I notice a HUGE difference.

I can't imagine getting on a bus, or even entering a crowded room and not having a seat offered to me, pregnant or not!

Somebody needs to yank a knot in these boys' tails! I know my momma would!

Rebecca said...

i see this a lot which is why i'm trying ti teach Little Man to be a gentleman and to treat not just woman but all people with respect

ana said...

I was just listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about how different dating is now... talk about chivalry going out the window! I don't get this younger generation... I just hope we bring up our little ladies right enough to know the difference of a real good guy and a total d bag... because if that boy she brings home doesn't hold the door/open it/give up his seat.. there's no saving him from Daddy lol ;)

Feeling the love......