Friday, April 5, 2013

Who got in trouble........

Well it was bound to happen and it did after almost a year at preschool my little one got sassy last week and mommy was not happy...NO mommy was pissed! Now I know that she ins only 3 and it is preschool but for me even a little disrespect drives me crazy. I think that some kids today have no respect and are not taught respect and that is why we have a bunch of little shit teenagers/young adults wandering our planet that need to be slapped across their smug little faces. Did I say that out loud...oops there goes my mouth again.  So anyways I picked her up and based on the look on the faces of the teachers they were non to pleased. When I asked what happened they said that she had a hard time concentrating, listening and was giving tude" when asked to behave.  WHY? because she had one of her neighborhood friends join her class and I guess she was so excited she lost her shit and was disruptive in class. I first was shocked because {I am not saying this because she is my kid cuz I am the first one to tell you when mine is behaving like a shit} she has never gotten in trouble and every time I pick her up I am told what an awesome kid she yes I was a little taken back. say the least when I got her in the car the hammer came down. I explained to her what the teacher said and what was going to happen. When I got home she was to go to her room and stay there until it was time for me to get her. When it was time I went to her room and took two of her favorite toys away for the weekend and that did not make her happy. It did not make me happy to see her sad but it had to be done. After I did that I sat her down and explained why she should not do what she did and I explained to her that just because her friend was doing something that she should not follow the lead and to do her own thinking. I explained that she was to apologize to her teachers on Tuesday and we will not have this happen again. She looked at me with a few tears and said:
Sorry Mama I won't do it again.....I love you Mama
Broke my heart it did but I stood firm and we made it through she know she was wrong and accepted her punishment.

On Tuesday she did her apologizing and I reiterated our conversation before dropping her off.  When I picked her on Tuesday afternoon the teachers said she was back to her usual awesome self. Teachers said that the talking to I gave her must have worked. Now I know that this is not the last time something like this is going to happen because let's get real they are kids. But I know that I will take care of anything that comes up head on and to make sure that it does not escalate to a larger problem down the line. I am her PARENT not her friend and I am responsible for raising a responsible and respectful adult.

Happy Friday


joeh said...

Parents who do not properly decipline their children are ABUSING them!!

You are an awesome mom!

And what happened to WTF Fridays?

Not Winning Mom of the Year said...

Good for you mom, but total melt on the "I love you mom" bit.

Kerry said...

You are a great mum!! And I truly believe that communication is the key...

Mrs. Tuna said...

I concur, I was happily the meanest mom ever. But I raised a respectful and hard working young woman.

ana said...

Good job Mama!!! It's definitely hard to do... but I am recently learning that follow through is very important. My little will give me these sweet eyes and say, "Sorry Mama... I promise..." And I just. want. to. cave. in. ...but I don't and for the first time in my life I can say, "I feel like a parent." Yup! It wasn't the whole loss of freedom or knowing that it wasn't all about me anymore.. It was becoming the "bad guy" that finally made me sit back and think... "Shit, I'm totally responsible for someone not growing up to be a little shit... I am a parent."

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