Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why are weekends so damn....

OK this is a cool job 
short? My husbands sometimes wished he has a 4 day work week and 3 days off. I too wish he could just so we could spend a little bit more time together.  So this weekend we decided it was time to take a little road trip just for some change of scenery. Now we usually take these 3 day weekends and take our happy wine drinking asses to Napa Valley but since it is not yet summer and the pool at the resort we always go to while in Napa is not heated we decided to head south to Carmel/Monterey. Monterey is not on the top of my list because basically their downtown area is kind of a big Pier 39 on steroids and not very cute...sorry but true. We decided to go to Monterey because GG loves water and underwater life and they have a pretty awesome aquarium there. We decided to stay in Carmel and my husband booked a great suite at the Carmel Valley Ranch which to my big surprise was really kid friendly - it is a shocker because many of these resorts have become pretty child unfriendly ad of late. Here are some pics of the aquarium I did not go butt crazy with taking pics because their were so many friggin kids on sugar crack all over the place that I needed all my eye power keeping track of my little about sensory overload.

Just to think only a few short years ago
 I swam with sharks bigger than this in Tahiti 

I found this really cruel an kinda of funny there was a seafood
shack right in the middle of all the fish swimming around ....WTF really?

Ducks all over the golf courses on the resort property 
GG with the resort mascot 

If I had one of these tanks at home I would not
need acupuncture  to relax 
After aquarium we cruised the area had one of the most awful lunches EVER and decided to head back to Carmel to hang out by the pool the weather was nice and the pool heated.....HELLO who could blame me ?

Dinner was fabulous and then it was s'mores........what more could we ask for.....OH yeah my daughter decided she was going to screw the rules and take a dip in the infinity hot tub with her little rebel


joeh said...

How bad could lunch be? Fresh fish...fresh duck.

Unknown said...

Oh i love the aquarium there! We haven't been there in like 4 yrs, we went when Cameron was almost a year. I know the boys would love it. And yes the downtown isn't very special nothing exciting at all. We golf peeps so we love the 17 mile drive:) but hard to get there with the hubs work schedule with split days off, its like a 4 hour drive for us, how long for you guys?

Not Winning Mom of the Year said...

Love the pic of her sitting on that huge lawn chair with her feet up. That's the life.

ana said...

I've only been to that aquarium once and remember thinking it was pretty cool.. Don't remember what was around it except that we stayed at a not so cool motel :/

Feeling the love......