Crashed the f*ck out on the 6 am flight to O'hare |
As you know if you have read
http://mommybags.blogspot.com/2012/04/why-does-shitpart-i.html you know that we had a very hard 7 days of travel. We attended a wedding in North Carolina and of course when you travel with a toddler you are placing bets that you might end up more exhausted than when you first left for the trip. The wedding was beautiful, the bride gorgeous, the event super fun. I however wish that we were able to enjoy ourselves a little bit more and could have spent more time hanging out with family. GG was so sick I ended up spending most of my mini vacation in the hotel room which kinda of sucks no matter how nice it was. I am used to getting out of the house each and every day and by the 3rd day I could feel the walls closing in on me. GG sounded like death and she could not breath. The nights were even worse because she was sleeping with us in bed{a big NO NO for me} but the girl's wheezing and the cough was horrible she sounded like a 90 yr old 3 pack a day smoker. I felt for her. The rest of the trip was up an down one day she had energy the next day zero....She had not really eaten regularly for a week so she lost weight and seemed weak and not her usual peppy self. The air in Asheville was so full of pollen yu could not even walk and breath at the same time. The plane ride back was OK she lost her shit for about 10 minutes during take off because she was so tired - we had gotten up at 3:30 am to leave for the airport. She finally settled down for the plane ride and slept for the whole flight on you guessed it....MOI.... because we did not want to wake her I was stuck in the same awful position for 4 hours and was made to watch We Bought a Zoo. It was not bad and made me cry like a little bitch for two hours......on a plane....... with other people looking and flight attendants wondering if I was on some kind of crazy meds.
The loves of my life |
Sick as a dog but pulled through for her flower girl position |
Of course when you have a child that hacks, sneezes and drools sickness all over you for a week what happens your dumb ass gets sick. I got up this morning feeling and looking like crap. I need to bring GG to tumbling but by the way she looks like and I feel like this am it looks like we will have to just say home and get better. She is eating which is good I think she missed her food and my cooking. Eating out is fun but not 7 days a week 3 times a day - Bleh. We also do clean eating and if you don't have the choice to eat like that when your traveling stomachs go crazy. Oh if that was not enough I am dealing with a sick dog...you see dog number 2 is a very nervous, very high strung and scared doggie. She was after all a rescue. Any time I change her schedule and we are gone for extended period of time she gets weird. Her stomach goes nuts and it is diarrhea and throw up fun. I have got to say this has been the worst travel we have ever experienced and I have been in the Amazon jungle and flown with full on food poisoning from Ipanema to Sao Paulo. Husband and I have agreed that for a bit we will be doing road trips until GG gets a little older. Napa wine country is only 45 minutes away and there is a bunch of crap do to near by to keep my little one busy for years. If I need tropical Mexico is hop skip and jump away. Today I have a butt load of laundry and I am going to spend the day with the dogs and myself and my child chillin and getting better.
All I can say is there is no place like home..
Golden Gate Bridge |
I told my kids when they got pregnant it is best to just put your life on hold for two years and accept it. Any time you get to just do normal stuff is a bonus.
Stay healthy.
Oh man... That does NOT sound like a good time. At least GG still made an adorable flower girl! Road trips sound like a better option... At least you can pull over for awhile to gain some sanity. Feel better!!!!
Awww, that is just so sad. And is she SERIOUSLY REALLY asleep on that chair? I ask because my kids have never, not once, fallen asleep in a place that wasn't their bed, even though I wish they had!! Amazing.
Poor GG and mama.
Aaack! I don't know how I missed Sunday's post. So sorry that you had such a fiasco of a trip! Hope everyone is back to something resembling normal soon!
clearly you need a vacation from the vacation! i cannot imagine traveling on a plane with skylar -- and she is a wee bit older than GG! bless ya -- you deserve mommy of the year fo' sho'!
Oh no!! I hope you guys get better real soon. What a terrible way to spend a week especially when it was supposed to be fun and relaxing for you all.
It sucked major donkey balls.
Dude that seriously sucks!!! One of my boys got sick on a road trip about 5 hours away from home and I was stuck in the hotel with him for only a day and I though I was going to crazy, I can't imagine being stuck for like a week. And booooo....about the poor puppy dog. Hope you all start feeling better real soon:))
Oh my goodness. That sounds awful! I am so sorry the trip was so rough and now you are sick! Blech. I hope you get to feeling better.
PS GG is a doll in that dress!
Oh wow!! So glad you are home!!! And slightly jealous you live by napa valley!! ;-)
I'm glad you're home Darling... breathe, relax, you'll be good as new in no time... xoxo
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