Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The 3 hour...

window. As I was getting ready yesterday morning to leave my casa I was thinking.......Wow I a pretty impressed with MB today and getting showered, made up and dressed  in 45 minutes flat. It got me thinking to the days when it would take me two plus hours to get ready for work and the ol mighty 3 hour window to get ready to go out and party. What could I have possibly been going to get ready take that damn long to get ready to go out? I mean half the time we were hanging out in dive bars and dark clubs. What the hell? What was this ritual that had me take so long to get ready to go out? I guess now instead of being in front of customers selling/doing my fashion thing and socializing my balls off I am running around after a toddler and a bunch of dogs. Oh...let's not get it twisted even though I live in lululemon pants and work out gear my shit is still tight. I make sure that my work out apparel is all matched bag and all.  I used to be a sweats/Metallica t shirt kind of gal when hitting the gym  but when I finally lost all of the baby weight and then some I decided since I am working out 4-5 days a week I needed to step it up a notch. So off to lululemon I went. I must say I felt better about what I looked like when I stepped in the gym and it gave my self confidence a boost to keep busting ass....resulting in another 12 pound loss this month - working another 12 and then I will be good - Hubby is all about JLO booty so he wants to make sure it stays there...I just gave it a major lift with the elliptical mania I have been on lately. I really need to give my self a rest my wrists are beginning to feel the pain but damn my calves are looking good....

When my hubby first met me he was shocked at the amount of make up I spackled on my face....*Keep in mind these were the 90's all about Chanel Vamp make up and I was wayyyyy into vampires before this whole Twilight thing hit...blah* so I was doing my thing. Between the take off work make up, put on night make up and going through my wardrobe a million times it would be way over 2 hours and I would be ready to rock n roll. My hubby did not mind because at that time in our lives we lived above a night club and we knew all the bartenders/doormen and owners of establishments in the area so he would be downstairs drinking away while I was upstairs rubbing baby powder on my legs in order to get my tight ass leather pants up my body....Oh the good ol days. I am kind of glad that life as gotten allot less work/party hectic and allot more hang out and relax with some vino and a good set of friends way I am so glad my skin is getting the time to heal from the damage I caused it in the 90's and early 2000's. I guess I have just gotten a whole lot more comfortable with myself as a person and as a woman.

Hubby and I sit down and wonder how we made it through that burning the candles at both end time of our lives. One thing we always say and agree on is...Thank the Lord that FACEBOOK was not around during our party days.....Amen to that......


Kerry said...

Hahaha, you could never have even imagined facebook back then huh!
I did the same thing, spent hours getting ready and having pre drink drinks lol, only to come home looking like shit, mascara smudged, hair a mess, sweaty from dancing, sore feet etc etc
But how good did we look stepping out at the start of the night, totally worth it lol

Unknown said...

Haha amen!!! I feel bad for my kids that they'll have to live with Facebook their WHOLE lives!!

Unknown said...

omg can i relate to this -- i totally lived the self-sbsorbed party life too...
i still need my live music fix but i drink wayyyyyyyyyy less than i ever did and make it about the socializing than the partying.

and a ginormous WERD to no facebook in those days... phew!


Not Winning Mom of the Year said...

We always talk about those days we used to stumble home drunk and sleep with a garbage pail at the beside. Ahhh the good old days.

Unknown said...

I still have to give myself a 3 hour window but that's partly because I have 3 kiddos and well it takes forever to get ready. i am constantly getting interrupted andnot to mention it takes forever to get themselves ready and dressed. Dang sista...12 pounds. The last 10 of baby weight is taking forever and my ass has totally changes shape after the third kiddo. It's only been 6 months so I am not being too hard on myself yet...just hard to make and find time now.

Adriana Too Cute Invites said...

Lmao sometimes when me and hubby go put to a bar we are like wow we used to do this all the time why don't we like it any more the next morning waking up at 7 am with a toddler !!! THAT'S WHY lol

Feeling the love......