Thursday, January 16, 2014

Today I got...............

bit by a dog. I have never gotten bitten by a dog and never want want it to happen again. Long story short - I had finally found this awesome park with a grassy field to run my dogs  after the move. It was 8:30 in the am and no one was there...hoooray.....My dogs are Golden Retrievers and when their is a ball involved they see nothing but that damn ball which is great. My dogs were ecstatic. I was there for maybe 15 minutes when another dog owner and her dog came into the field. Not a big deal. I checked the dog out and it seemed harmless enough even though it was an Akita mix bread. As soon as she saw y dogs she came over to play seemed harmless enough even though it seemed kinda of twitchy and nervous.  She kept getting in the way of my larger retrievers ball. Now mind you the whole time the dog was with my pack her owner was ALL the way on the other side of the softball field. She kept calling and the dog just did not listen. OK seems weird becasue when I call my dogs they know by the tone of my voice it is time to go. When the owner finally came to get her dog I explained to her tat my dog was very territorial when it came to her ball. All good. We started talking and within 5 minutes of our conversation her dog started attacking my dog {even though a retriever} fought back within 10.5 seconds they were at each other bad bad, bad. I have never seen a dog fight and I will never want to see one again. I was in shock for about 1 second and then I heard my dog yelp like she was being hurt and the other dog was not letting go as I shouted STOP STOP STOP. The other dog owner is not doing a thing...maybe she was in shock...maybe her petite frame could not handle a dog that size whatever man HELP.ME.THE.FUCK.OUT at least?!?!?!?!  At that point I saw red and {maybe I should have not} started to try and pry them apart. While doing so her f8ckin dog bit me...HARD!

I finally get my dogs on one side and leash them and she does the same with her and I am bleeding all over the damn place. Not once did she even come over to see what her damn dog had done. Not once did she say OMG let me help you out I am so sorry. Not once. I am sitting in the middle of this field with my dog that is limping, my other dog who at this point is shaking and me bleeding all over the field. I looked at her and all I asked was -
"Are your dogs shots up to date?"
"Yes they are".

Great give me your number because right now I cannot even deal with you. I need to make sure I disinfect my finger and make sure my dogs are OK. I was stunned at the lack of sympathy I received from this woman. Maybe she to was in shock who knows but damn woman your dog just bit a human...If the other way around happened to me I would be trying to help out...

I am blubbering like an idiot at this moment. It took me a minute regain control then I went off to do what I needed to get done. Called her vet to confirm all shots were OK and they did confirm I also made sure my TTab was all current and it is. My finger looks mangled and is soar as hell but it could have been way worse.

What a day I tell you.....


joeh said...

Akita's are nasty. A friends dog was almost killed by one. It did not bark or growl, just attacked out of nowhere. The damn thing even took time off to pee and then went back on the attack.

This lady should know her breed and this should not happen...she should cover all medical and vet bills. If you can not control your dog you can not let it run free.

From Wikipedia:

Since it is a large, powerful dog, the Akita is not considered a breed for a first time dog owner. The breed has been targeted by some countries' breed-specific legislation as a dangerous dog.

The Akita is a large, strong, independent and dominant dog.

The Akita was never bred to live or work in groups like many hound and sporting breeds. Instead, they lived and worked alone or in pairs, a preference reflected today. Akitas tend to take a socially dominant role with other dogs, and thus caution must be used in situations when Akitas are likely to be around other dogs, especially unfamiliar ones. In particular, Akitas tend to be less tolerant of dogs of the same sex. For this reason, Akitas, unless highly socialized, are not generally well-suited for off-leash dog parks.

I say sue the bitch...the owner should know their breed and should be held accountable for this attack.

Andrea said...

I'd be back at the park solo looking for her to get some closure on that disaster! I had a large unleashed dog pick up one of our shih-tzus in his mouth when I was out waling them in the neighborhood. SO FRIGGIN SCARY!!!!! There was NOBODY around. I can't imagine getting no help from someone standing right there who owned the dog! UGH!

CaffeinatedOCMommy said...

Ohhhhh pooooor Darling! Do you want me to throw my Jimmy Choo shoe at her?? I WILL you know that... stupid woman... makes my lipstick smudge! Sending you kisses my Dear! XXXXXXXX

Not Winning Mom of the Year said...

Don't have dogs, but yikes, hope you're okay. What the hell??? is this acceptable in the dog owner world?

Feeling the love......