Thursday, January 30, 2014

What is the deal......

Yes I have admitted in the past that I am a huge "reality" show junkie even though most of the garbage that is being put out as of late comes under the "docu-drama" category. Most of this shit is choreographer and I know for a fact that scripts are handed out.  The other day I had a few minutes and said to myself that I would not get sucked into the vortex of the show 100 Days of Summer - now besides the cast of douchiness especially Vince and some really vapid females which had me questioning my IQ an brain cell count- it just looked like your run of the mill drama that we have all seen before.   Like I said I had a few minutes and with me being a BRAVOaolich the channel always being on Bravo and the damn show being on about 100 times a day I was previ to a part that just drives me friggin insane about the female gender.

The constant insistent nagging of getting married - I mean to the point of nausea!  This chick has been with this guy less than one year and she is just drilling into him to "cohabitant" so she can reel/wrangle him in for a proposal in less than 12 months after that. You can tell the man is uncomfortable as HELL because all this woman talks about is marriage and kids. She is over 30 so she is freaking the hell out that she is not married yet. Panic Attack...OMG you know woman that you don't technically need a man to have a kid if you are so damn hard up for one go get your self some sperm and STFU. I do not get this fascination of having to be married in a certain time frame - I believe this is one of the reasons why we have so many damn divorces in this country people just settle just because they want to say they were married before age __________fill in the blank. They do not take the time to get to know the person and to really find out what is going on in their lives. I have seen it so many times...I have known women to rope men any way they can in order to plan their perfect wedding. Dude if you are so hard up for a party then have a damn solo one and wear a mother fucking white dress....Now I don't mean to come down on my Midwest/Southern peeps but this seems to be a huge push in these parts of the country for young brides/marriage. I don't see this happening in major urban areas...I know MANY women who's first marriage did not happen until way late 30's and no one stresses about it here...or it seems that way to me because most of the people I have met/know are popping kids out at 40{maybe not all but a huge portion}.

So what I am trying to say is enjoy your life and have fun before you decided to tie yourself down at 21. I get it that in some cases what is meant to be is meant to be but I have a 50 percent divorce rate that shows otherwise. Also lay off the I want a ring by this date and I need to be married by this time. From my experience men do not do well with ultimatums especially the hey you need to propose to me by a certain date one. I have seen many men run from those types of situations they can smell a desperate woman a mile away and just figure the nagging will get worse after they are married. . Relax, take it day by day and have fun getting to know each other. Live together for awhile{I would make that a requirement before getting a marriage license} - you learn allot from a person when you live with them - so many things that you sometimes wonder fuck if I had lived with my first husband before I got married I would have not had a divorce under my belt.

We live and we learn. T

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Today I got...............

bit by a dog. I have never gotten bitten by a dog and never want want it to happen again. Long story short - I had finally found this awesome park with a grassy field to run my dogs  after the move. It was 8:30 in the am and no one was there...hoooray.....My dogs are Golden Retrievers and when their is a ball involved they see nothing but that damn ball which is great. My dogs were ecstatic. I was there for maybe 15 minutes when another dog owner and her dog came into the field. Not a big deal. I checked the dog out and it seemed harmless enough even though it was an Akita mix bread. As soon as she saw y dogs she came over to play seemed harmless enough even though it seemed kinda of twitchy and nervous.  She kept getting in the way of my larger retrievers ball. Now mind you the whole time the dog was with my pack her owner was ALL the way on the other side of the softball field. She kept calling and the dog just did not listen. OK seems weird becasue when I call my dogs they know by the tone of my voice it is time to go. When the owner finally came to get her dog I explained to her tat my dog was very territorial when it came to her ball. All good. We started talking and within 5 minutes of our conversation her dog started attacking my dog {even though a retriever} fought back within 10.5 seconds they were at each other bad bad, bad. I have never seen a dog fight and I will never want to see one again. I was in shock for about 1 second and then I heard my dog yelp like she was being hurt and the other dog was not letting go as I shouted STOP STOP STOP. The other dog owner is not doing a thing...maybe she was in shock...maybe her petite frame could not handle a dog that size whatever man HELP.ME.THE.FUCK.OUT at least?!?!?!?!  At that point I saw red and {maybe I should have not} started to try and pry them apart. While doing so her f8ckin dog bit me...HARD!

I finally get my dogs on one side and leash them and she does the same with her and I am bleeding all over the damn place. Not once did she even come over to see what her damn dog had done. Not once did she say OMG let me help you out I am so sorry. Not once. I am sitting in the middle of this field with my dog that is limping, my other dog who at this point is shaking and me bleeding all over the field. I looked at her and all I asked was -
"Are your dogs shots up to date?"
"Yes they are".

Great give me your number because right now I cannot even deal with you. I need to make sure I disinfect my finger and make sure my dogs are OK. I was stunned at the lack of sympathy I received from this woman. Maybe she to was in shock who knows but damn woman your dog just bit a human...If the other way around happened to me I would be trying to help out...

I am blubbering like an idiot at this moment. It took me a minute regain control then I went off to do what I needed to get done. Called her vet to confirm all shots were OK and they did confirm I also made sure my TTab was all current and it is. My finger looks mangled and is soar as hell but it could have been way worse.

What a day I tell you.....

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

yes today this crap made me LOL.....

So hate me if you must but I really had a good laugh at the expense of these get up NOT the boys the get ups....Because don't tell me {some} of you would not do the same thing if you saw this coming towards you at the pool/beach....

WTF is this get up???  I get that ozone layer is depleting on a daily basis yah I get it...but for F8ck sake what is the point of this poor boy going for a swim if he looks like he is getting dressed to go ice fishing in the Arctic? I mean WTF put some damn sunscreen on the kid and keep it moving I mean shit you are taking the fun out of just hanging out by the pool and being a kid. This get up is ridiculous and yes call me a mean mommy but I would never do this to me kid...I would stay by the pool all day and spray him down every minute before I would subject him looking like a walking deodorant bottle (something else crossed my mind but damn if I go there I would probably get ripped apart). I see this every summer these  kids hanging out by the pool with more shit on then a hooker on a street corner. I know that we try our best to make sure that our kids are safe and shit but DAMN people we need to release the damn reins a little or we are going to be left with a generation of little woosies.   I have seen kids and when I say kids sorry to say - I have noticed that some of the population of boys have become less and less tough in the past few years. I see it at the park, gym ect.....I have seen it at karate classes where the girls are kicking ass and focused and the boys carrying their tattered baby  blankets{hello your like 6} sucking their thumbs crying when something does not go their way.  Mmmmm - boys not having any balls and crying at the drop of a hat. We have a generation  of cry babies and I am making it my mission that mine will not end up one of them or with one of them.....JOKE

You fall and unless their is blood pouring out of a wound. Get up and suck it up. Might sound harsh but you know what that is me. So far I have a daughter who has been pretty hard ass.....unless she goes super ass whiny mode on me she is a tough little girl. Not scared of anything.....I mean for the whole month of Halloween we went to the Halloween store every Friday so she could check on the display of super creepy shit they put up this year - I tell you gang some of the shit gave me the willies and I am a horror fanatic. Her favorite was the little zombie girl on the swing that sang this creepy rosemary's baby type of tune. But she did not flinch.  The staff at the store were like super impressed and by the end of the month she knew them all by name. The gave her the nickname "No Fear"....Same thing with Santa - she came, she saw,  she beat out her list and she gave me a cover girls smile. Two boys before her had a total melt down...I mean EPIC letdown-meltdown it was like REAlly? REally?

I am sorry and you might hate me for this but I can't look at these get ups without busting up laughing...I sorry but I do......yes maybe I should GTFU but you know what this is my opinion and I have a right to it......

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


motherf*ckin birthday.....Holy shit I am now 44 years old and I can tell you this I don't feel old. Yes their are days were it sucks getting up because you have to hear some crackling and popping but besides that I am doing pretty well...I just had my physical and all is good...I have my mammogram in two weeks so keeping fingers crossed that will all be good. Tomorrow I go back to visiting a holistic doctor so I can get my shitty female shit balanced out again...Just before I moved I had been seeing an amazing HDR and with  different approach to wellness and acupuncture my shit was feeling super awesome. She balanced out my female shit - I have PMS from hell that was getting worse as I get older...yah soon I will be purchasing female depends and walking with a cane.....No seriously folks 44 is the new 34 don't ya know and here in sunny no rain California your expected too look 39 forever so basically I have turned 39 a few years in a row now.  I ask myself everyday where the hell the time has gone...just the other day I was looking over some old party shots from our hey day rock star days and I am like WhAt ThE was I that young which seems like yesterday. I feel like I am still in my early 30's so what if sometimes I look in the mirror and say DAMN to the new wrinkle that is staring back at me?

I got many happy wishes from true dear friends, many flower deliveries and we are loving the new designer handbag with wallet my hubs surprised me with....Ok their were a few hints dropped here and there.....So far so good.....They say getting older sucks but for now I am pretty much enjoying it and having a good time......Peace

Feeling the love......