Thursday, May 9, 2013

Annnd this is why I dislike..............


I love her she is brave, smart,  kicks ass and looks like a regular kick ass girl....Well that seems to be not enough for Disney because they felt Merida needed a makeover and super large breasts and is that make up.  We have enough fru fru princesses is Cinderella and friggin Snow White not enough .....I signed the petition this am to keep her the same...WTF Disney get a grip and leave her alone!


Mariebop said...

Awwww! Why would they change her? I've never seen the movie, but she's so darn cute the original way. Disney needs to be bitch slapped. :D

Unknown said...

I saw this on the news and was like WTF?! I dont get why they changed her? Was there really a petition? Oh i would totally sign it!!!

Feeling the love......